Monday, June 26, 2023

Gematria: A Study of Numbers and Letters


gematria is a system used for assigning numerical value to a word or phrase in Jewish tradition. This system has been around for centuries, dating back to ancient times. The practice is based on the belief that numbers and letters have divine meanings and are connected spiritually.

The Origins of Gematria

The roots of gematria can be traced back to the Talmud, a central text in Rabbinic Judaism. The Talmud contains discussions on Jewish law, ethics, customs, history and more. In one section of the Talmud (tractate Sanhedrin 94a), it states that "The letters of the Torah are like sweet wine." This leads to the idea that each letter must have a deeper meaning beyond its sound or physical appearance.

How It Works

To assign numerical values to words or phrases, gematria uses Hebrew numerals (which are also called "gematric values"). Each letter corresponds with a specific number from 1-9 as well as multiples of ten up until 1000.

For example:

Alef - 1Lamed - 30 Shin - 300 Het -8

*Note that Shin can also have a value of 300.

We can use these values to find the gematria of a word or phrase by adding up the numerical values of each individual letter. For example, the Hebrew word for "chai" (meaning "life") has two letters, chet and yud. Chet has a numerical value of 8 and yud has a value of 10. When we add these numbers together, we get 18. The number 18 represents good luck in Judaism and is often used as a symbol for it.

The Significance of Gematria

Gematria is often used in Jewish texts to uncover hidden meanings or insights that are not readily apparent on the surface level. Numbers and letters are believed to possess spiritual power which can be accessed through this system.

Examples from Jewish Texts:

  • In Genesis, God creates light on the first day with "let there be light" (יְהִיאוֹר) being assigned with the number value 212, while "the moon" (הַלְבּנָה) was assigned with numeric value equaling to 212/7 mounts = ~30 . Since Moon reflects Sun's light during night hours it's light is associated with lights holiness besides its numerous religious significance in Judaism
  • In Kabbalah, it's found frequently that Combinations that add up to either 13 or it's multiples hold special virtue within tried angelic connections.
  • The Talmud states: "If you see a frog in your dreams, look to the words of Torah" (Berakhot 57b); since צפַרדע (frog) and פרשתהָלְאגדה (the Parshah of the Exodus) both hold numeric value of 444.

The Practice Today

Gematria continues to be a significant area of study in Judaism today. It is used by scholars, rabbis, and laypeople as a way to seek deeper meaning in traditional texts or contemporary events. Gematria also has applications outside Judaism like interesting use-case might be product naming that seems random but may have embedded meaning or the practice could be found lurking secretly in popular culture symbols.


Gematria is an intriguing concept with a rich history and complex application. Whether it's used for divination purposes, searching for hidden meanings or simply understanding traditional text better; its complexities surely make Gematria fascinating to explore further.

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